6. More Finnish at Tamk

Today we met at TAMKs library. We decided to focus first in Finnish because last time we used English almost all the time. Färhad had text from Finnish course and we used it to start our conversation. I asked questions from there and Färhad answered in Finnish. Questions subject were culture in work. In the picture is questions what we used. We also talked about weather in Finnish. Färhad was speaking really good and he noticed his own mistakes for example the difference between words huone and huono. I think as a teacher I’m better if I compare myself to the first meeting because now my spoken English is much better what it was in the beginning.

After the Finnish part we went to eat and then we continued with English. I told what I’m doing tomorrow and why I wanted to go to Ideapark tomorrow but I can’t anymore. Färhad asked some questions about travelling and I answered to those. I told where I want to travel, where I wouldn’t travel and which country I most like. I told about McLeod’s Daughters series and that I want to go to the place where it is filmed. McLeod’s Daughters is filmed in Australia. And the country what I like most is Iceland! I have goal to get my speaking English more fluent than before and little by little I’m getting there. I still have small pauses while I’m speaking because I forgot what I was saying or I don’t remember word but it isn’t that bad what it was when we started. I just have to keep speaking to learn it.

We will see next time on Sunday. We didn’t plan next meeting but I think we will figure out something. 🙂



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