6th Meeting: The School Systems


On the seventh meeting I helped Daniel with his Finnish homework. We went through some of the grammatical cases. This was quite hard but a good practice for me because I found it easier in German than in English. I also think it was clearer for Daniel to get to hear the system of the cases in his mother language.

Somehow, we ended up talking about the school systems in Germany and Finland. Explaining the school system in Finland took under five minutes where as the German system has so many possibilities it took almost ten minutes to go through.

Schooling system in Germany
Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva
The school system in Finland. (NB: You can still apply and get in to a university after vocational school even though the chart says differently)

After this meeting I’m not blaming myself for not understanding the system while i lived in Germany. Now that I’ve seen it written down I can see how I might have misunderstood some of it. What also makes the system so complex is that different states might have different systems but they still need to be compatible in the national level. Sometimes simple might actually be better, in my opinion 😀


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