#8 Making Tteokbboki and curry

[8] 16.4 Sun, 12:00-15:30 Making Tteokbboki and curry


We went to Jieun’s home for lunch. Jieun had gotten a parcel from her boyfriend and she wanted to share one of it for us, especially for Guillaume to experience Korean foods. Tteokbboki is a simple cuisine which uses ricecake and Gochujang(Korean red pepper sauce). And Hyunsoo and me took noodle, eggs and cheese to make it better. Guillaume cooked French curry in his way putting some coconut milk in it. Both of them were awesome and I was nearly crying to have them. We tried Mammi there, too. I got some piece of Mammi from my other friends and wanted Guillaume, Hyunsoo and Jieun to taste it for Easter. We ate it with milk but we thought we needed some other ingredient to feel it in real Finnish way. After that, we had a bus in 40 min to leave and took some rest. Hyunsoo, Jieun and me chatted for a while and Guillaume not being there for some time just appeared and said that he had fell asleep because Jieun’s bed was nicely warm to do that due to her electric blanket. We laughed to see him look so excited with it.

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