8th meeting – Polish movie evening


After Finnish movie evening is time for Polish one! We choose movie named “Bogowie” to watch with Elisa. Translation of the movie is “Gods” and it is a 2014 Polish dramatic feature film directed by Łukasz Palkowski. It is based on the life and career of Polish cardiac surgeon Zbigniew Religa who performed the first successful heart transplant in Poland in 1987. Movie show reality of 80’s health care system in Poland.

Zbigniew Religa was born in December 1938 and died in March 2009.

He also became a Minister of Health of the Republic of Poland but from the other side, the funny thing is that he was smoking cigarettes whole his life.

The famous and first successful heart transplant in Poland was performed in 1987. The surgery lasted for 23 hours. After the surgery an American photographer, James Stanfield from National Geographic, captured the famous, gripping photograph of Religa monitoring his patient’s vitals on outdated medical equipment, with one of his colleagues who assisted him during the surgery asleep in the corner.



Due to the fact that the weather that day was terrible, rainy and hail, Elisa gave us the lovely yellow flowers which brought a bit of summer time to our flat. We prepared popcorn and some other snack to enjoy the movie. I also cooked my first apple pie for this occasion and luckily Adam and Elisa liked it. Apple pie is really often cooked by Polish moms and grandmas.


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