23th of April
Last meeting we watched a dutch movie, so this time we were going to watch a german one. Jonas choose Tatort, a crime serie, that has every week a new episode in a other place and city in Germany. It started somewhere in 1970 so it is a quiet old serie. And I guess it is super good other way is was never still on the television. We have a similar serie but in ours it is one man a through the country. And in Tatort there are a lot different cities with there is one policeman from that citie. But I guess that has something to do with the different sizes of our countries.
We watched a episode that took place in munchen. Because Jonas lives there now, in Munchen was last summer the 25th years of Tatort in that city. I did not understand every word but quiet a lot. There was a guy murdered by poison in his beer on octoberfest. It was a normal crime serie were te police men had to find out who and why murdered this guy.
Word list:
investigator = Ermittler = onderzoeker
crime scene = Tatort = plaats van het misdrijf
delinquent = Täter = overtreder
murderer = Mörder = moordenaar
police = Polizei = politie
poison = Gift = gif