About school system in the school

After our last class we met in the cafeteria of TAMK, where we talked about the differences of our school system and school related words.

We have found out that most of the things are common in both countries, but there are some minor differences, like in the Finnish school system has two different university. One of them is the normal university (Yliopisto) and the other one is the university of applied science (Ammattikorkeakoulu, shorter version: AMK). We do not have this in Hungary, but at AMK you study 3,5 years, just like at engineer department university in Hungary. And there are some differences how many years are you going to spend in primary school (Peruskoulu) and high school (Lukio).

The other big difference is what you do after high school. In Hungary you have an exam period after your last year. In this period you have to take written and oral exams in different subject. Three subject is mandatory, like mathematics, Hungarian literature and grammar and history. However if you want to go to university, you have to take a language and a natural science exam as well. In Finland they have some similar exams, but they have to take exams dependent upon which university you want to go.

I’ve learned a lot and it’s really interesting to see the differences of the two education system and the results of it. Next time we are going to see an ice hockey match, I’m certainly excited about that one.


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