wow ,this time is a very big group people get together and play with cats.

me and cui have a partner who is Jenny ,huang also have a partner named Moe,we just get together ,cause we are both good guys and we both like cats,it is very fun.i have to say that ,we have planed to go to this cafe for a long time ,but we are always busy ,so we just dont have the time to do this.

and i really want to say sorry to Jenny about the last time ,she invited us to go bowling,but we have to work at the restaurant ,we just can not  change our work time that is very bad things ,but I promise that this kind of things will not happen again.

it is really happy to see her again,we will go to the Christmas party in the afternoon,or in the evening ,i am really excited,I wear a suit,hahahahah hope to see u then.







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