Culture exchange - Italian and German girls´diary pt.5


For this culture exchange day we decided to meet friday 24 of March at the Watami Sushi restaurant to discuss about our different culture eating a good sushi. We talked about our main festivity and how to celebrate them. For example I discovered that in Germany there is a festivity called “S. Nicolaus” where german people use to put during the night between the 5th and the 6th of december a pair of boots outside of the door waiting for San Nicolaus that will put inside some sweets and tell some stories. In the south of Italy, where I live, we don’t have this habit but for example the 8th of december we celebrate the “Festa dell’Immacolata”, during that we use to start to decorate our houses and make the Christmas Tree because it means that the Christmas period is starting. About the Christmas event more or less we have the same habits but for example we use to eat “arrosto” (a roll of meat with cheese, vegetables and ham inside) or other dishes like “lasagne” (kind of pasta cooked in the oven), “Panettone and Pandoro” (two typical Italian sweets); in Germany Anna told me that they use to eat the “Martinsgans” (Stuff goose), the “Glühwein” (mulled wine), “Christstollen” and “Plätzchen” (typical german sweets). Other different festivity are for example the well-known “Oktoberfest” (typical german festivity where the main topic is beer celebrated on September) and “Tag der deutschen Einheit” (National Unity day celebrated the 3rd of October) in Germany and “Festa della Liberazione dal Nazifascismo (Liberation day from Fascism celebrated the 25th of April) and “Festa della Repubblica” (Republic day celebrated the 2nd of June) in Italy.

We discuss also about our different time to have meals, for example we have breakfast at the same time in the morning because of the school/work (usually 6.30/7.00 a.m.), but in Germany they have lunch at 12.00 and in Italy we use to have lunch at 13.30/14.30 and about the dinner time, in Germany they use to have it at 18 but in Italy we use to have dinner at 20.00/21.00.

It was a very interesting day today because we found a lot of differences but also many common things between us and both of our countries have a lot of typical dishes for every festivity. Anyway the sushi was very good but we ate a lot so after our meeting we come back home full of food in our stomachs to have a nap and rest a little bit.IMG_20170324_144651_935

See you soon, bye bye 🙂


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