Eight Meeting - Family and Relatives

We met at TAMK library again for this meeting. The topic for today is family members and other relationships. I already know most of them in Finnish but  I also learned some new ones.

I really enjoy the process of teaching Spanish, even more than learning Finnish. Sometimes I get very passionate about some topics and start explaining some curious words and grammar issues. I know that they are quite advance topics, but I am not pretending Janica and Getuar to learn them know, but just to make them awake that Spanish can be sometimes very tricky! For example baby in Spanish is “bebé”, but if you write “bebe” it means drink.

We have a lot of fun telling all the family members, Janica remembers a lot of them even when she stayed for a short time in Argentina! She says she is not good with languages but I don’t think so, I think she has a great capacity of learning and remembering!

These are some of the words we learned:
Finnish, Spanish, English:

Äiti, madre/mamá, mother.
Isä, padre/papá father.
Veli, hermano, brother.
Sisko, hermana, sister.
Isoäiti, abuela, grandmother.
Isoisä, abuelo, grandfather.
Täti, tía, aunt.
Setä, tío, uncle.
Vanhemmat, padres, parents.
Serkku, primos, cousins.
Tyttö, chica, girl.
Poika, chico, boy.
Ystävä, amigo/amiga, friend.
Tyttöystävä, novia, girlfriend.
Piokaystävä, novio, boyfriend.
Vauva, bebé, baby.

This was a really nice meeting, for the next ones we are planning to have a Christmas party at Janicas’s place and going to Vapriikki Museum.


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