EPISODE 10: Last meeting. Dual citizenship.

That was the last meeting. At this meeting the main point was to find out what are all the things that we have in common despite of the language. One of the main reasons to make this EOTO was to clarify things about the independence of Cataluña, to understand why do Catalonians want it and why Spain doesn’t.

After hours of talking we found something that we already knew, our cultures are not that different as they want us to think. We all love food, we all love sun and actually here in Finland far from our homes we find our similarities more accentuated than our differences. After all we are Spanish, we are smiley, dark haired, brown eyed, foodlovers, Spaniards. Maybe Catalonians are a bit more polite, a bit more refined because they are our natural borderline with all Europe, so they can be seen as a bit more Europeans, but they are still Spanish.

It’s been quite worrying, how we discovered that in Madrid the independence issue has been transmitted in a different point of view. While we were talking about what we know of the political issues different ideas came to our minds. Pablo helped me to understand their position and I tried to explain ours. At this point what we ended thinking was what kind of solution would we need.

“Jóvenes, haced política, porque si no la política se hará sin vosotros” (Antonio Machado).

“Young men, make politics, because if not, politics will be made without you”(Antonio Machado).

It’s quite amazing how a few days talking and listening to a friend as if he was a teacher made learn fast and easy thousands of things at the same time that we became closer friends. This is a new approach not only in the education dimension but also in the personal dimension.


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