EPISODE 6: You, your legs and the city.

This day we met in a cafe called “Arthouse Cinema Niagara”. We were ready to spend the whole afternoon talking about our city. Where can you see modern art, the most beautiful museums, the most iconic and historical buildings, where to eat with your friends or where to have dinner with a girl. The last topics were easy, (the dinner one was easier for me 😏) but when we started talking about the historical buildings… well we knew that they were important and that they were there, but why?. Shame on us.

But with a little of help of Mr. Google and a map, we found out all the history of our city. This session was a clear win-win, while we were trying to find all the information about our cities to teach it to the other one we discovered new things about our own city and feeling closer to it.

Google satellite taking pictures for Google Maps.

One of the things that I’m more proud about this session is that I’ve created some kind of interest inside Pablo. I’ve been 4 times in Barcelona, as I have friends there. So I’ve visited most of the touristic places with them and with my parents, but Pablo has never been in Madrid, because as he said “it’s not that interesting”, but after a long chat, a few pictures and some stories, I convinced Pablo to come to Madrid. After this session we became such an experts in Barcelona and Madrid, that we could walk along their streets with the eyes closed.

After this session I realized how much I was missing Madrid, its streets, the loudy and crowded streets, the sun… but at the same time Erasmus was finishing, one year of friendship and freedom was reaching the end. What a bittersweet feeling.


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