Fifth meeting Spanish-German-Hungarian

We met in the supermarket to do the shopping and learn about vocabulary of the products there.

The learning goal of this fifth meeting was to learn new vocabulary of products that we can find at home like cleaning products, cooking materials and home tools.

We went to a supermarket in the city centreand we translated to German and Spanish words like:

English: Bleach, pan, broom, mop, toilet paper, toothbrush, hand soap, sun cream, towel, garbage bags, dishes,…

Spanish: Lejía, sartén, escoba, fregona, papel higiénico, cepillo de dientes, jabón de manos, crema solar, toalla, bolsas de basura, platos,…

German: Bleichmittel, Pfanne, Besen, Mopp, Toilettenpapier, Zahnbürste, Handseife, Sonnencreme, Handtuch, Müllbeutel, Geschirr,…

For me it was so curious to learn how to say these daily products and it was a really usefull meeting because we all had to do the shopping after a trip.


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