Finnish dessert and Japanese food


I post my 10th post of Each One Teach One. On December 5, we gathered in the kitchen of Lapinkaari 3rd floor. On that day, we cooked Finnish and Japanese food and ate together.

The Finnish food that Mari made it in her house and brought it here is dessert called “Marjarahka”. We decided to look forward to eat it after we ate a Japanese food and chilled it in a refrigerator.

A Japanese food is “curry and rice”. The curry has the image of the Indian food, but the Japanese curry is different in a kind. The Japanese curry is milder than the Indian curry. Cause the Indian curry use many kind of spice, but the Japanese curry rice is less than Indian’s spice. Therefore the Indian curry has more strong and many kind of smell. It is the point that different from Japanese curry. I love both!

The curry is common at home in Japan and eaten often in a house. In my home, we eat once a week! In addition, we can easily cook it because much curry roux is sold. So on that day, we could make it in about 30 minutes.


I had Mari cut vegetables!


We boiled rice while stewing curry.


Finally, this is the Japanese curry and rice!


We ate it deliciously! 🙂

During a meal, we talked about an entrance examination of the Finnish university. I felt that generally structure of an entrance examination of the Finnish university resembled Japan. After that, Mari told me about the Finnish animals. The animal that left the biggest impression on me is “Moose”. Moose often collides with a car on a road and is strong animal so as to break a car. Moose is so big so I wanna really see it!


In addition, Mari showed me the photograph of the Finnish food that Mari usually make. This is “munkki”! It was looks really tasty!


After having finished eating Japanese curry and rice, we ate “Marjarahka” which Mari made it and brought. “Marjarahka” is made from blueberries, strawberries, maitorahka, whipped cream and sugar! It was very delicious!!! I love it cause sweetness is just for me!

On that day, we spent a wonderful time. I could make Japanese food together and eat Finnish dessert, so I was so happy!!!

And this time might be the last as official meeting of Each One Teach One. I am very grateful for that I could learn Finnish language and culture and teach Japanese language and culture and also meet wonderful partner, Mari and Joonas.  However, we can continue still EOTO by I leave from Tampere.

Thank you Each One Teach One and my best partner Mari and Joonas!


Kiitos ja Hyvää Joulua! 😀


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