Finnish – French sixth meeting

21 November 2020

Our 6th meeting was a bit more special than the ones we’d had until now, as it was all about immersing ourselves in the culinary culture of our respective countries! Of course it also meant a bit of planning had to be made beforehand to come up with dishes to cook. In the end we decided to have cheese fondue with vegetables as our main dish and mokkaruutu as dessert! We were also joined by our friend Nina and by my Spanish boyfriend Iñigo. Since that’s already three nationalities at the table, Iñigo made an entrée dish of gazpacho (a Spanish cold tomato soup) for the occasion, and ta-dah, we had an international full-course meal!

I’m not a very good cook myself and that might be the reason I don’t especially like cooking in general, but everything’s more fun with friends and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed our foodie evening! First we went shopping for the ingredients all together. Curiously enough, the fondue cheese we found in Citymarket was from a French brand Néd was already familiar with. After gathering all the ingredients we got back to our place and got down to business with the cooking!

Amidst all the fun we had we also learnt a bit of food-related vocabulary and had some minor setbacks (like our blender breaking and having to go to the neighbour to borrow her mixer), but in the end we were able to sit down to enjoy the delicious outcome together and have a cozy chat. Néd told us how in France they would have fondue after going skiing, one day it’d be amazing to try that since I imagine it would taste even better after doing some winter sports! There was a bit of fondue left since we made a lot, so Iñigo and me were lucky to have it as a snack the next day. Of course to make things even we also packed some take-away mokkaruutu for Néd and Nina to enjoy at home! This was my first ever fondue and I seriously think it couldn’t have been better: nothing beats the combination of good food and good company. 😊


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