First and second meeting

My group consist of three Finnish people including myself and Sebastian, who is German and Jaimile, who is from Brazil. Sebastian is going to teach us German and we teach them some Finnish.

Our first meeting was on 24th of September. We didn’t really start the lessons on that day, just got to know each other and discussed what we would like to learn. We also had to divide the next meeting because not all of us could make it on the same day.

My second meeting took place at the Kaleva Prisma, on 2nd of October. We decided to go there because Jaimile and Sebastian wanted to learn some words for the groceries in Finnish so that it would be easier for them to go shopping here in Finland. Beforehand Sebastian made us Finns a list of grocery words in German and I send him and Jaimile the same list in Finnish so they could study a bit in advance.

Before we started our “tour” in the store, I asked Sebastian to teach me some basic sentences in German, like how to ask which bus to take or how to order something in a cafe. These are things I will need to know when I go to Germany.


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