Halloween is coming..
Today, nearly one month after the introduction to the “EOTO” course Georg and me had our first meeting. The reason why we didn’t manage to meet earlier is that my Austrian buddy is more travelling around the globe than in Tampere. He already visited seven different countries in only two months of his “Erasmus” experience. But today we finally made it and spend an awesome time together. After class we met at the main lobby of TAMK. After that we decided to go to the city center to do some “Halloween” shopping. We went to a shop called punanaamio and looked for some nice costumes. Each of us tried around 5 different costumes. From Peter Pan, Funky Man, Spiderman, Dracula to Batman. Seeing each other in those costumes was a lot of fun. At the end, Georg decided to buy a really big Sombrero and a Poncho. He will dress up as a real “Mexican” guy with a big moustache. I ended up in a really fancy batman costume. So I will be ready to save gotham city from bad guys. Of course we also had some learning outcomes. Georg teached me all different colours of our costumes.
GRÜN = green
BRAUN = brown
GELB = yellow
SCHWARZ = gelb
ROT = red
OROANGE = orange
VIOLETT = purple
After our shopping trip we dicided to grab a coffee. We went Mc Donalds and Georg continued with his teaching. He asked me to buy a little booklet to note all new vocabs I have to study. Besides the colours, I learned the different week days in German.
MONTAG = Monday; DIENSTAG = Tuesday; MITTWOCH = Wednesday; DONNERSTAG = Thursday; FREITAG = Friday; SAMSTAG = Saturday; SONNTAG = Sunday
After that he examined me on all the different colours I have learned in the shop. I did quite well and Georg was really content.
So we changed the topic and started talking about the place he lives in Austria. Georg grew up in a little village in Upper Austria, went to school there and also did his finals in Upper Austria. After his military service he went to Vienna, the capital of Austria and a really different place compared to a small village. So I asked him to tell me more about Vienna and the difference to his life on the countryside. We will discuss this in our next meeting which is set up for tomorrow already.
I hope you like reading my first blog entry and it would be really nice if u leave a comment. See you tomorrow. !!