Forth meeting in Vohvelikahvila!

Essi, Haley, Yeaeun and I went to a waffle “kahvila” in centre of Tampere called Vohvelikahvila (Vohveli means waffle and Kahvila cafe).

First, we ate a delicious waffle and a tea and we were talking about Finnish cultural issues that are different from the Korean and Spanish culture. Essi always try to explain us the reason, if there are one, of these issues.


Once we finish our waffles, we started to learn Korean, first we took the different words that we learned in our last Finnish meeting and we translated them into Korean. To make that, we had printed the Korean alphabet and at the time that Haley and Yeaeun were translating the words into Korean, Essi and I were trying to write those word on the Korean alphabet, it was really hard!! Because there are different sounds that we don’t have in English or Spanish, so at the beginning was hard to understand which sound we have to write, but as much as we practice as better as we could understand the sound. So at the end of the meeting I was able to understand different Korean sounds and wrote them on the Korean alphabet.

Haley and Yeaeun repeated us as many times as necessary all the words and pronunciations and they corrected us all the mistakes that we could have.

It was a great meeting!



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