French - German: Last (official) Meeting

Yesterday we had our last official meeting with our German-French group.

This time we didn’t deal with a special topic but talked about everything possible private.

Tim is currently on a road trip across Finland towards home and told us about his plans and goals and was able to show us the wonderful nature around him, where they will spend the evening and the night. I became really envious! That will probably be a crowning conclusion of the semester abroad for him. Otherwise, we just talked casually about our past week and the experiences of the last semester. Of course or better to say sadly, Covid-19 was also a topic of our conversation. On the one hand it is really sad, that in every conversation no matter where and with whom, you come up with this topic again. Nevertheless, we realized once again how differently different countries approach the fight against the pandemic and vaccination. But I believe that it can only get better now. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we were only able to meet via Zoom, so we hope that we will be able to meet in person in Germany or France at some point in the future. Even though yesterday was our last official meeting, we plan to continue to meet (online) to just chat and continue to learn a new language and culture.

Au revoir et à bientôt !


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