French-Spanish ninth meeting: Juegos

During the last meeting, we decided to play board games online and to practice our vocabulary in this context. It is becoming difficult to come up with new and creative ideas of things to do online. But we had a good time playing and learning new games.


We started out with an online pictionnary. The goal is to find the word that one player is drawing. You can find the game at this link :

To make it educative, we played several games, changing the language to Spanish or French. As the game has sometimes very specific words to guess, I learned for example how to say carriage : “carro”. This game is always fun and ends up in laughter. Plus, it will not accept misspellings so the players can improve their written vocabulary.

We then went on with cardgames, which enabled all of us to learn how to say the different symbols of the cards. To me, this is exactly the purpose of those meetings : to learn the small things that will make you feel more confident speaking the language every time you will have to use them in the future.

Here is the translation:

diamond : diamante, carreau

club : trébol, trèfle

heart : corazones, coeur

spade : picas, piques

Once again, you can notice the similarities between our two languages, especially when put next to English words.


This was a fun meeting ! We all won something in the end, even though some were better at the games than others………



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