Our second meeting was on 22nd of October at my place where me and Jocelyn made some traditional Finnish food. We made macaroni casserole ’makaroonilaatikko’ for dinner and blueberry pie ’mustikkapiirakka’ for dessert. It was actually the first time that I made macaroni casserole but it turned out to be very easy to make. There aren’t many spices in traditional Finnish foods except for salt and pepper and those were also the only spices in macaroni casserole.
Makaronilaatikko Macaroni casserole
Ainekset Ingredients
5 dl makaronia 5 dl macaroni
1 sipuli 1 onion
1 rkl rypsiöljyä 1 tbsp rapeseed oil
400 g jauhelihaa 400 g minced meat
2 kananmunaa 2 eggs
5 dl maitoa 5 dl milk
½ tl suolaa ½ tsp salt
¼ tl mustapippuria ¼ tsp black pepper
- Keitä makaronit. / Cook the macaroni.
- Kuori ja pilko sipuli. / Peel and cut the onion.
- Kuullota sipulit öljyssä. / Fry the onions in oil.
- Paista jauheliha. / Fry the minced meat.
- Lisää sipuli jauhelihan joukkoon. / Add the onions into the minced meat.
- Sekoita se makaronien kanssa. / Mix it with macaronis.
- Vatkaa kananmunat. / Scramble the eggs.
- Lisää mausteet ja maito kananmunan joukkoon. / Add spices and milk into the eggs.
- Kaada munamaito vuokaan. / Pour th eggmilk into the pan.
- Paista 175°C noin tunti. / Cook at 175°C for about one hour.
Mustikkapiirakka Blueberry pie
Taikina Dough
150 g voita 150 g butter
1,5 dl sokeria 1,5 dl sugar
1 kananmuna 1 egg
3 dl jauhoja 3 dl flour
1 tl vanilliinisokeria 1 tsp vanillin sugar
1 tl leivinjauhetta 1 tl baking powder
400 g mustikoita 400 g blueberries
Murutaikina Short pastry
50 g voita 50 g butter
½ dl sokeria ½ dl sugar
1 dl jauhoja 1 dl flour
- Sekoita sokeri ja pehmennyt voi. / Mix sugar and softened butter.
- Lisää muut aineet ja sekoita tasaiseksi. / Add rest on the ingredients and mix evenly.
- Levitä taikina vuokaan. / Spread the dough into the pan.
- Kaada mustikat vuokaan tasaisesti. / Pour the blueberries evenly into the pan.
- Valmista murutaikina ja levitä se mustikoiden päälle. / Mix together the ingredients of the short pastry and spread it on the blueberries.
- Paista 200°C noin 30 minuuttia. / Cook at 200°C for about 30 minutes.
- Tarjoile vaniljajäätelön kanssa. / Serve with vanilla ice cream.
Macaroni casserole and blueberry pie both turned out like they should have and tasted good. Blueberry pie is one of my favourite desserts and it was really nice to share the recipe with Jocelyn. 😊