Italian-Vietnamese 6th meeting

Ciao! It’s hard that we are still that in different time zones to arrange suitable time for our meetings. Fortunately, the sixth meeting has gone through really well.

It was us and our computer screen but it was still a nice exchange discussion. At this time, we discussed significantly about religions in our countries. I was surprised that in Italia even at school the students are taught about religion according to their preference (it was only taught in the pagodas or churches places in Vietnam) about the religion prominent practices and hierachies and so on. Sara knew quite considerably about Catholicism while she was not a follower, it was a big difference compared to schools in Vietnam which followed the Communist ideology.

About Raymond’s and my part, we also showed Sara about our different religious groups in Vietnam and how much they accounted over the population number. Besides that, we also showed how crowded Vietnam’s big cities are to demonstrate the big difference on the streets of Vietnam compared to most of other European countries. Maybe Sara should have some other feelings and thought about this topic today.

We still have more topics to talk about but overcoming this time difference and distance are pivotal things we need to consider then.


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