it's all about sports..

Hello everyone !

On Thursday the 30th of November, Ugo and I went together in the city center and more precisely in Pyynikki Beach. Ugo has never been there and that is why I wanted to show him that place during the day because I find the view very beautiful.

After a beer we learned some vocabulary about the harbour and boats. Georg already had some knowledge about this but I was able to increase his vocabulary regarding harbour.

Harbour = Port
Boat = Bateau
Beach = Plage
Bridge = Pont
Cruise boat = Bateau de croisière
River = Fleuve
Sea = Mer

As well, while we were walking we spoke about our different main sports representend in our country. I mentioned that Skii is probably the most common sport in Austria. Regarding France, football (soccer) is still remaining one of the most important sport. Ugo’s favourite team is Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) but he is also a big fan of Bordeaux (the country he lives in).
Beside this Rugby is the second most popular sport in France and Ugo played it for almost 10 years. He says that rugby is a matter of family and it is especially popular in the south west of France.


Ugo’s main sport is actually Ice Hockey and to my big surprise he mentioned that hockey is becoming bigger and bigger in France. That means people tend to come watch the games. He is even playing right now in Finland in Orivesi (east side of Tampere).

Ugo spoke to me about sports rules in general :

Offside = Hors-jeu
Goal = But
Net = Cage
Pass = Passe
Penalty = Penalty
Yellow card = Carton jaune
Red card = carton rouge

I really enjoyed this day and we are looking forward to meet each other for some sauna night close to Lappinkaari.

Bye bye everyone !


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