
Since Christmas is coming and the Tampereen Joulutori, the Christmas Market was opened on the 2nd of December, we decided to meet there as our 8th meeting.

There was an opening ceremony with Santa Claus and we could also listen to some Finnish Christmas songs.

The Market offers a huge variety of unique artworks made by Finnish craftspeople, just as different kinds of products from the vendors of Germany. You can also have a glögi with some Christmas cookies, toasted chestnut or differently flavoured almonds.
We decided to walk around to check out all the cottages and talk about some traditions in the meantime.

We talked about traditional decorations, such as the Christmas goat, which is made usually from straw with red ribbons and is a popular ornament in Finland, while in Hungary, we have a special candy called ‘szaloncukor’ which is commonly used as an ornament on the trees.


Krista also told us that knitting is a very popular activity in Finland, that’s why there are plenty of those products, especially socks in the Market. We could also see that white and blue coloured things are a great deal and Krista explained that it is because of the 100th anniversary of Finland this year.

After all, we could agree on the fact that the Christmas traditions concerning the decorations are quite similiar in Finland and in Hungary, and we all loved the smell that filled the air of the Market.


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