Meeting 1: Talking about the time

Our first real meeting was in the Cafeteria of TAMK, but unfortunately only three of us had time on that day.

In the beginning we practiced talking about the time, which is a really important subject in Germany. I can confirm the stereotype that Germans are always on time and that being late is considered unpolite. Of course, not every German is like this, but in general it is true. Me for example, I am always at least ten minutes too early and get very annoyed if I am running late.

When we were practicing I was also able to revise the Finnish expressions, which was a good exercise for me because I didn’t talk about the time in Finnish for a longer while.

Practicing the time in German online:
Practising the time in Finnish online:


Julia’s vocabulary:

The time

The time Die Uhrzeit Kellonaika
What is the time? Wie spät ist es?

Wie viel Uhr ist es?

Mitä kello on?

Kuinka paljon kello on?

It is… (one) o’clock. Es ist… (ein) Uhr. Kello on… (yksi).
It is half past…(twelve). Es ist halb… (eins). Kello on puoli… (yksi).
It is quarter to… (one). Es ist viertel vor… (eins). Kello on varttia vaille… (yksi).
It is quarter past… (one). Es ist viertel nach… (eins). Kello on varttia yli… (yksi).
It is five minutes to… (one). Es ist fünf Minuten vor… (eins). Kello on viisi minuuttia vaille… (yksi).
It is five minutes past… (one). Es ist fünf Minuten nach… (eins). Kello on viisi minuuttia yli… (yksi).
At what time? Um wie viel Uhr? Moneltako?
At… (one) o’clock.

At… (one).

Um… (ein) Uhr.

Um… (eins).

Kello… (yksi).


At half past… (twelve). Um halb… (eins). Puoli yhdeltä.




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