Meeting #4: Icehockey – Ilves vs. Kalpa


Today was our 4th meeting and finally it was time for us to watch a game of Finland’s’ national sport – Icehockey! I was really looking forward to this day, since I am also a quite big icehockey fan. Although I am coming from a very small village in Germany, we have our own icehockey team which plays in the third league. So today we went with a much greater bunch of people to the game not just only our EOTO group, nethertheless we were able to talk a lot about winter here in Europe, but also in Mexico and also learned some new Mexican expressions.

To sum it up, winter in Mexico is more or less comparable to our spring we have in Europe, with the difference that these months are very dry. Despite of that it can also get quite cold    sometimes in some areas, especially if they are located in higher sealevels above 1000m. In the mountains it can also be snowy.

winter = invierno
summer = el verano
night = noche
day = día
snow = nieve
mountain = montañapenalty = pena
foul = falta
referee = árbitro
to cheer = para animar


The game itself was very interesting, very fast and also very tense. In the end of the official playtime there was a tie, so the game got into an extension. During this Ilves was able to score a penalty goal with that they won the game. This was our first but surely not our last icehockey game here in Finland!


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