Meeting #5. Korean movie night + awesome dinner!

This time we decided to arrange double EOTO meeting at my place, as my close friend Olha also has EOTO with Korean girl YoonSoo.

We cooked our traditional Ukrainian dish borsch (though some Russians think it’s their traditional dish, it is not true). And YoonSoo and HyunSsong made Korean dishes for us as well. It was soup된장국, and rice with meat 돼지불고기. As I am a really big fan of spicy Korean food, all the dishes were to my taste!

After that we watched Korean drama movie Nara’s rain.Land_of_Rain-p1

It was a love story between a teacher, who was at around 25 and she just lost her husband in a car accident and her young student who was about to graduate from school (so he was at around 17-18).
For me the main topic of the movie was not a very big deal, as in my country it is not very normal, but people would react quite normally to this situation. But in Korea, it’s a big problem for their society and love between teacher and pupil is just beyond their very conservative understanding. So all the people refused to communicate with that woman, as it was a very big shame for the school where she works, and she had a lot of troubles with that. First of all, I think that it was a shame how even though she was a young woman, she was already a widow and people were reacting quite negatively to that fact. That student didn’t have a family and his father died the same day as her husband. This created a common bond I think, and I would even say that she had no actual romantic feelings for him, but more like a motherly like type of care. But the society they lived in, was really harsh and strict and as a consequence they lost everything. Although, in the end they did stay together.

We watched it with English subs, and I was surprised that sometimes I could even find some mistakes in the translation. For example when the actress said “don’t go” in Korean, English translation was “don’t do it” and some other not very important mistakes like that. So I really like the fact, that I can distinguish some words while I watch a movie in a foreign language which I just started to learn about 6 month ago. So my EOTO meetings help me quite a lot.


let’s watch Korean comedy next time!~

Olha Kushnir

2.4.2015 20:10

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