Meeting at Mimosa (FIN/RUS)

Today was our fourth meeting. We agreed to meet at Cafe Mimosa, which is a cozy and small cafe a bit outside from the center of Tampere.

I have borrowed from library some business related Russian study books and we took one chapter from there and studied it. I read and tried to translate it.  It was a nice book, the level of the book is a bit under my skills, but it contains lots of  new vocabulary, so it feels quite challenging to me. I learnt few very useful words and expressions. The book is Russian for Business, level A2, written by Lyudmila Kotane. I would highly recommend those books for people who need business vocabulary.

We studied some Finnish verbs and I gave some examples how to use them. English “to play” has similarity with Russian word “играть”.  You can play games, play guitar or play with toys and you use the same verb. But in Finnish we have own verb for each of those 3. Hope Julia’s mind didn’t explode after hearing that.

We also discussed about habits and cultures about marriage in our countries. When, how and where to get married, how and in which finger we use the ring. Interesting to hear small details about people who live so close, are quite similar but still so different.


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