MEETING N.03 – Lunch at TAMK
Today we met ay the TAMK, for a lunch. The last time we saw each other was three weeks ago so we had a lot to talk about.
Then we also talked about where to go when we have visitors in Tampere. Like a “MUST SEE IN TAMPERE – Map”. It was quite interesting to hear the recommendations from the others. There were also a lot of different things I also didn’t know.
- an Icehockey match in the Nokia Arena
- the Lightshow of Tampere
- Finlayson area
- a walk around Finlayson area and walk up to lapinkaari
- observation tower
We also talked about good restaurants/cafes in Tampere.
Our favorites are:
- burger and friends
- Poke Bowl
- Pizza Luca
- Pizza Napoli (different opinions)
- Kaffila (best cafe in Tampere:))
- bakery cafe puusti (i recommended the cafe because of the very delicious cinnamon buns)
We talked about that all the cinnamon buns here in Finland are to dry. Except the cinnamon buns from cafe pussti. They are so juicy and soft.
We also talked about our next meetings and when and where we could meet again. One idea was to meet in a public sauna. The Spanish girls told us that going to sauna was a whole new experience because they never do it in Spain. In Germany we do it sometimes, but more often during the winter months. In contrast to Finland, in Germany going to sauna is something more for the upper class. We all like it very much going to the sauna especially when it’s cold outside. So we like to adapt the finish culture now with sauna. So we would like to go one time together.
Another topic was were our trips to Lappland. All of us already booked a trip where and we are very excited about it. Laura and I will go a little bit earlier to Lappland than Carla and Marlen, so they asked us to tell them after the trip everything about it.
Carla and Marlen spend the last weeks at home in Spain, they told us that they are missing their music a lot. Dancing in clubs while hearing familiar music is different than unknown music. Laura and I absolutely agreed with them. We all aren’t the biggest fans from Finnish music.
Words we learned this meeting:
sibling – Geschwister – Hermano
only child – Einzelkind – Hijo unico
Christmas – Weihnachten – Navidad
street – Straße – Calle
the walk – Spaziergang – Paseo
lake – See – Lago
cold/warm – kalt / warm – frio / calor
snow – Schnee – Nieve
white – weiß – blanco
boots – Winterstiefel – botas
socks – Socken – calcetines
wintercoat – Winterjacke -Abrigo de invierno