Hi guys,
Well well well, it has been quite a loooong time since my last blog post. Guess what, Hang is back with her crew GFV.
Today, we had a food tour in Lidl in Finlaysonkatu. It was my first time there for 14 months living in Tampere, Finland. It was good. We decided to buy needed ingredients for baking tomorrow. Tabea and Tuuli introduced to me many interesting things of Christmas, which I never knew before. Such included the chocolate calendar, candles, Christmas chocolate, and Cool Santa. It took us around an hour inside the supermarket.
After that, Tiger was our next destination. We had A LOT OF FUN there. Everything was so cute that we wanted to buy them all. Seriously, EVERYTHING!!! It felt like I was living my childhood again with all sparkling items and cute decoration things. Tuuli told me one joke from her psychological teacher that is to MARRY MONEY. If I got a guy who would like to buy me the whole shop, I would get married to him XD. Yeah we all know it is a joke, don’t we?
It was pretty much for today tour. I loved it and I also enjoyed spending time with these two lovely girls. Looking forward for tomorrow baking!!!
A lovely quote for such a rainy day:
When life gives you rainy days, wear cute boots and jump in the puddles!