Pre-Christmas Party

Our last meeting was EOTO’s Pre-Christmas party at 28.11.18.

We met at TAMKOs Solu. Our usual gang was there with few extra. We played Chinese word game where game leader gives one, same word to everyone but one. Then everyone has to describe their word and after one round everyone has to guess who has the different word.

While we played, we ate some snacks and Warabi Mochi (Japanese delicacy) that Moe had made. It was quite diffrent from what I have ever tasted but quite good. I was sad to learn they don’t like salmiac 😭

(Picture from Japan

This was our last, official meeting with my dear friends but we agreed to meet outside EOTO too since we have gähad so much fun and why stop now?

This course was one of the best courses I’ve had during my 3,5 year in TAMK ❤️


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