Sauna & Swimming

On our 2nd meeting we went swimming and sauna to Kaleva’s uimahalli (Tampere swimming center). Even thought few of us had a little cold it was so much fun!

My boyfriend Toni came with us too to support and guide Lee, so he wouldn’t feel lonely. I was with Cui, Huang and Sisi (a new chinese friend!)

I was so proud of them how well they handled Sauna. We talked about swimming and relationships in Sauna before going to swim. I was suprised that they don’t swim in chinese schools.

After the swimming we sat down to cafeteria to learn few things. I taught them numbers from 10-20 and how numbers are formed (tens-ones) and family members.

I learned family members in chinese and learned there are diffrent pronounciation for A:  ā,  á, ǎ, à and a.  I also learned that chinese alphabets are not pronounced as they are written. Pronounciation is a clear problem for me xD.

We agreed to meet next sunday to have chinese home made dinner with them! I am anxiously waiting to eat some chinese!!



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