So we did it again. We managed to fit in our busy busy schedules one more meeting for the EOTO course with french and finnish. It was a blast!
We met in the city at the coffee house and while we enjoyed our fresh made breakfast sandwich + the latte, we managed to do some french. Basically I wanted to see what David had on his mind and I have to say he did not fail me! He brought some paperwork with him and introduced me a daily newspaper. I have to say that it was nonsense 😀 Reading the magazine was nearly impossible. I managed to squeeze out 2-4 words + sentences I could understand, but rest was gibberish to me :D. David kindly ofcourse red and translated me some of the content and we went through few basic chapters about how the city Paris is seen from Tourists view and how the citizens see Tourism.
Once again it was a nice, around 1,5h meeting and I think I got something out of it. I am sure that next time I get my hands on french newspaper I will be able atleast recognize a word or two. Ofcourse the sports section is probably the easiest for me and specially if it has something to do with football then I might be able to read it somehow 🙂
Not sure how many meeting we had so far, but I guess 8-9 at the moment. We will have 1-2 more and then probably wrap it up with a small “exam/test” or something.
Now I’m off to bed, and I wish you all a relaxing xmas and happy new year 2015!