Second meeting - weather words

We met again at cafe Pala for a weather-related meeting. Some of this stuff I have already learned before but forgotten, but I learned some completely new things as well.

Weather in Spanish is “tiempo”, which also means time. Some words I remembered from my past studies were “sol” (sun) and “nevar” (to snow). Words that I had to revise were “lluvia” (rain), “nieve” (snow), and “viento”(wind). I also somewhat remembered how to actually use the words in a sentence. You use the verb “estar” (be) for weather that can be thought as an event like rain and snow. So, “está lloviendo” means it is raining. For other words like sun and wind, you use the verb “hacer”(to do/make). So “hace viento” means it is windy.

It’s sunny = hace sol

It’s snowing = está nevando

It’s hot = hace calor

It’s cold = hace frío

Some completely new words that I learned were “tormenta” (storm) and “granito” (hail). Another new word that is very specific to Spanish weather is “bochorno”, which is very humid and hot weather. I think it can be compared to the Finnish word “helle”, though Finland hardly has as extreme heat or humidity as Spain.

We also ended up talking about the “have to” structure in both our languages. I remembered that in Spanish you use the verb “tener”(have) paired with “que”, but I had never learned that you actually have to use a reflexive pronoun within the structure, so that was an useful bit of information. I also learned to say “hace un frío que pela”, which is basically saying it is very cold. It means something like “a cold that peels”, which surely doesn’t sound pleasant, but then again cold for Spaniards is at like 0 °C (sorry Ignasi).


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