Seventh Meeting - Help! I have a Finnish test!

We met at TAMK library this time. I have Finnish test and I need to study so Janica and Getuar will help me 🙂

We talked about colours and adjetives. Most of the words were not new for me but I needed to learn it by heart

This meeting was pretty fun, because we sat in a computer to write all the words and we “played a game”. The game was that Getuar wrote a color in English and I had to say it in Finnish and Janica had to say it in Spanish, so it was kind of a Memory Game. I didn’t remember most of them but Janica has a very good memory and said almost all the colours by heart! It was a very fun way to review our knowledge!

We did a similar thing with the adjectives to describe things. Here are some of the adjectives we talked about:
Finnish, Spanish, English:

Uusi, nuevo, new.
Vanha, viejo, old.
Nuori, joven, Young.
Iso, grande, big.
Pieni, chico/pequeño, small.
Pitkä, alto, tall.
Lyhyt, corto/pequeño, short.
Kallis, caro, expensive.
Halpa, barato, cheap.
Kuuma, caliente, hot.
Kylmä, frío, cold.
Kaunis, linda/hermosa/bonita, beautiful.
Komea, lindo/hermoso/bonito, handsome.
Onnellinen, feliz, happy.
Surullinen, triste, sad.
Hyvä, bueno/bien, good.
Paha/Huono, malo, bad.

Thank you Janica and Getuar for yor help! We also had a very fun time!



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