One of the many good things of other cultures is their food! This is why we decided to cook a chines dish. But of course, if we want to eat something, we have to buy something first. This is why we met in the city for some shopping activity.
First station was the Asia-shop. There we could get the ingredients; a normal store here does not sell. For example, they have a large variety of soy sauces, rice noodles, chilies and some special vegetables. And there were many more things to discover, such as special cooking gear or Asian candies. We bought all the things we needed (rice noodles, soy sauce, choy sum chilies and some candy 😉 ) and continued to the next store.
It was the S-market we went next. There we found meat, egg-plant, garlic and chives.
With this, we are all set and looking forward to the cooking!
Here some easy vocabulary:
English Chinese German Spanish
Soy Sauce 酱油 (sheng chou) Sojasauce Salsa de soja
Meat 肉 (Rou) Fleish Carne
Pepper 胡椒 (Hujiao) Pfeffer Pimiento
Egg plant 茄子 (Qie zi) Aubergine Berenjena
Garlic 蒜 (suan) Knoblauch Ajo
Chili 辣椒 (Lajiao) Chillischote Chili
Noodles 面 (mian) Nudeln Noodles
Vegetables 菜 (cai) Gemüse Verduras
Rice cracker 米糕 (mi guo) Reiswaffel Toritas de arroz
Salt 盐 (yan) Salz Sal
Sugar 糖 (tang) Zucker Azúcar