

Our ninth meeting was during Kurumi’s last week in Finland. I tried to thought some “must see” places in Tampere and idyllic Tallipiha was one of them. There was my singing gig and after my concert we enjoyed some drinks and Finnish snacks (Karelian pies and Mariannes) at the terrace of the cafe.

We started to talk about Finnish and Japanese fashion and popular clothing brands. I have been many years a fan of Japanese street fashion so that was quite interesting topic for me. We told Kurumi something about Finnish clothing brands, for example Marimekko.

The funniest thing was that Kurumi had a jacket from popular Japanese clothing brand called “Ehkä Söpö” (that’s Finnish and it means “maybe cute”). Before our meeting Kurumi didn’t know what “Ehkö söpö” means but we told her.

We also talk about popular artists and bands (both in Japanese and Finnish cultures). I learnt many new Japanese bands and artists and Kurumi got many recommendations about popular Finnish bands and artist from us.

That meeting was quite similar to our eighth meeting because we didn’t use any notes. But that meeting was also different from our eight meeting because at this time we taught and learnt mostly cultural things, not language.


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