Tenth meeting: goodbyes

The last meeting. It was time to say goodbye. Since it was the last meeting, we decided not to take a topic like we had had before. We decided to talk about the course, what we had done and what have we possibly learned. We also talked about our plans and stuff, since we won’t be seeing each other anymore all that often, if ever.

This course has given me quite a lot. Before this, I knew literally nothing about Portugal. I had never heard the language or learned about portuguese culture. The whole country was a mystery to me. Now I know the basics of the language, although I’m having hard time trying to learn and remember it. I also know how they celebrate some holidays, what you can do there and stuff like that. And I think that I learned new things about Finland too during the course. When you have to teach stuff about this country, you got to know stuff about this country. And I don’t think I have thought about all these things that much before. I think I have taken all for granted before, or haven’t even realised some things. All in all, I had a blast during the whole course and I’m happy that I took it! Thank you Kaisa and Renata for being my group, a very good one, and for every meeting we had! This is the last you’ll hear from me in this blog I guess, so goodbye to everyone reading this also. And have a great summer you all!


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