Tenth meeting held online


Online meeting - Colours and one's appearance

Today was the tenth and last meeting with my group for this course. As the last topic, we decided to talk about colours and some basic sentences to describe one’s appearance.

As for the vocabulary, we just translated every colour that came to mind and I made sure to mention not only some colours but also their hue. The colours we named were:

(English / German / Spanish)

  • black – schwarz – negro
  • white – weiß – blanco
    brown – braun – marrón / castaño
  • dark brown – dunkelbraun – marrón oscuro
  • light brown – hellbraun – marrón claro
  • blond – blond – rubio
  • red – rot – rojo
  • grey – grau – gris
  • blue – blau – azul
  • dark blue – dunkelblau – azul oscuro
  • light blue – hellblau – azul claro / celeste
  • green – grün – verde
  • yellow – gelb – amarillo
  • orange – orange(farben) – anaranjado
  • violet – violett / lila – lila
  • pink – pink – rosa

In order to be able to describe our appearances, we needed some more vocabs, so we went with these:

  • eyes – Augen – ojos
  • hair – Haare – cabello
  • slim – schlank – delgado/delgada
  • short – kurz – corto/corta
  • long – lang – largo/larga

Although we then knew the vocabulary, it was still not easy to describe one’s appearance by oneself. Therefore, we helped each other translate. My appearance can be described by:

  • My eyes are dark brown. – Meine Augen sind dunkelbraun. – Mis ojos son de color marrón oscuro.
  • My hair is long and dark brown. – Meine Haare sind lang und dunkelbraun. – Mi cabello es largo y castaño oscuro.
  • I am 1.66 meters tall. – Ich bin 1,66 Meter groß. – Yo mido 1,66 metros.


Overall, I can sum up that the course was fun and interesting. I practiced what I had already learned about the language and learned new things about Spanish culture and the Spanish education system. However, to really master Spanish, much more practice is needed than is possible in this course. If I have the opportunity, I will do another Spanish course, preferably in the country directly, so that I can really use the language for a while.


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