Our THIRD MEETING was great. We cooked a typical Hungarian dish together at Flóras place – Túrógombóc 😊 Túró in Englisch means quark cheese and gombóc dumpling, so Túrógombóc is a sweet dumpling made with quark cheese. In Hungary Túrógombóc is usually served with sour cream, breadcrumbs and icing sugar. I really enjoyed it – it was delicious! 😊
Since the prepared dough must rest for one hour in the fridge, we took advantage of this break to improve my Hungarian skills. Flóra teached me the Hungarian numbers 0 to 30. She told me the numbers and I wrote them down. My immediate reaction was – oh no, not that difficult letter again! I must confess that I have some reluctance in saying the letter GY (the pronunciation is so difficult – hopefully for all German people and not only for me 😊). Apart from the difficult pronunciation, counting in Hungarian is not that difficult. For example, 35 can be formed by using 30 (harminc) + 5 (öt) while connecting them: 35 = harmincöt. The numbers from 11 to19 and 21 to 29 are trickier, because you must add en or rather on between them.
It was a great meeting with a lot of fun and good talks about this and that 😊 For the next meeting, we will meet at my place and cook some typical German (or rather Swabian) filled “raviolis” called Maultaschen.