Finally, we managed to arrange this meeting as both were all busy with our own studies. However, everytime met is a really valuable chance for me to learn about the another culture.
Since the last meeting, we found that the available quizzes from the internet is a good source for us to deep into the country’s culture and language. While answering the quiz one by one, one of us could explain more about the contents of that question. For example, there was a quiz about the “patron saint of the day” in Italy, Sara could show me some names of different dates in Italy; for me, it is interesting to know about that! Based on the names of Italian destinations or people, I can revise the pronunciation with the help of Sara. It’s about Easter so we had a short discussion about how our countries celebrate the holiday (actually in Vietnam they don’t have Easter holiday but only the Vietnamese Catholics do)
I could teach Sara some new Vietnamese words based on the quizzes that we met. I explained Sara why there are so many Vietnamese people have the surname “Nguyen” and she might be surprise about this. Eventually, we agreed that our cultures and lifestyles are so different. That’s why this course is so useful.
Last but not least, this course is a nice place to make new friends from different nations all over the world. We couldn’t have any chance to meet face to face as I’m still stuck in Vietnam but let’s hope for the better situation. The course ends here but my “journey” to explore this exciting country won’t end. Thanks Sara for helping me depart!