Meeting number 9 - Quizz night

We prepared quizzes for each other to repeat what we've learned so far and learn something new.

We prepared quizzes about with theme Germany and theme Spain and met at Laura’s house. The Spanish girls used Kahoot a tool which I’d never seen before. Honestly I didn’t know any celebrities, but now I know e. g. Rosalía a singer. They tested us to see if we can remember things from previous meetings like their age, studies and home cities. Like in Germany football is the favorite sport in Spain and also basketball. A very common thing which I really appreciate is the “siesta”. I wish we could adapt to this traditional thing in Germany in the summer, because since climate change it has become very hot.

We also talked about pronunciation. It was so funny because even English words are often pronounced very Spanish like memes, sssaaara (Zara), wwooolgswagen (Volkswagen) :D.

We didn’t have such a fancy quizz application. We just did a PowerPoint presentation. At the first slide the German flag was visible and we asked them if they no if it’s the German flag or not. We went on with places guessing, word guessing (also repetition from the words we’ve taught so far) & typical tourist things they agreed on (e. g. reservation of a lounger with a towel and wearing socks with sandals).


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