Category: Culture

Greetings from Athens!

Hey everybody! I'm in Athens on a clinical training exchange and I've loved the experience so far! This has been the best experience of my life and I am the happiest in the world that I came here! I'll tell you a little about how I've been here.

Greetings from the heart of London

London is the city I have been living in since September and it has already started to feel like home. Unfortunately my time here is soon coming to an end. It is my third year of undergraduate studies in music pedagogy and I have been doing my exchange term on classical trombone at Guildhall School of Music & Drama.

Hälsningar från Göteborg, Sverige

Greetings from the southwest coast of our neighbour country Sweden. I am doing my Erasmus exchange here for the autumn semester in the Academy of Music and Drama, in University of Gothenburg, on the classical instrument bachelor´s degree program.