I completed my practical training in Berlin, Germany!
Ive worked in Berlin before, so I knew what to expect from the environment when going there this time. I was a Production Assistant for a festival and I invested most of my time and energy to learn about it as much as I can. Towards the end of the production it became somewhat of a lifestyle – it doesnt exit your mind unless you force it to!
During my spare time most of the time I was so tired that I just wanted to order indian and stay in bed. We also would go out with colleaques, I’d see my old friends and whenever it felt appropriate I took a week of home office and went to another city to visit my partner.
There was not a single German in our work team actually – everyone was from around Europe and USA. The kitchen was right next to our office space so you could check who went to the coffee machine the most. My boss had a theory that this was a way to keep track on peoples work ethic.
Berlin is always a delight and it did not disappoint this time either.