Greetings from Brno, Czechia!

Dobrý den!

I do exchange studies here in Brno University of Technology on Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Chemistry. I’m staying at the dormitories near the majority of the faculties. There is a lot of self study so I have time to travel and spend time with my Erasmus friends and my hobbies. Brno is a very nice student city and I feel like home and safe in here. There is about 400 000 residents in Brno and I think its a really good amount, not too small but not too big either.

In my spare time here I like to hang out with my friends and if we are productive, we usually go study in a cafe or library with them. I have also traveled a lot here. I went to Budapest, Vienna and Bratislava for example. I’m also planning to visit Munich and Krakow! And oh how much I love Prague. The capital has rich history and it is very interesting to see the old town of Prague. The atmosphere itself is worth it. I also like to go to museums and galleries to experience local art.

My studies in Environmental Engineering are a good addition to my studies in Bioproduct Engineering. Although, the amount of self studies here compared to Finland is surprising but I think it is so because the teachers want to make it easy for themselves when teaching Erasmus students. I guess they want to avoid speaking English and make their workdays easier, haha. Otherwise the study/work culture seems the same than in Finland!

Na shledanou!


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