Looking at Linz

Down to Linz from Pöstlingberg

Architectural design, coffee shop dates and long walks along the Danube.

In my practical training I was allowed a lot of respnosiblity right from the start with a strong support system surrounding me in case of queries or troubles. I jumped right into making a site plan for an area as big as two blocks which was very much fun to do and I had the freedom of design. We also worked on a competition together simultaneously with a group.

An other thing I did for work was take a trip to Ljubliana for the Big See Awards where we spent a couple of days listening to panel discussions, a Gala dinner and of course celebrating the boss for winning an award.

Big see awards

My spare time in Linz and in Austria in general was mostly made out of hanging out with my roommate going on walks, coffee, and even runs together. It is such a joy to have made such a good friend during my stay.

We found one coffee shop in particular we loved going to, Gutmut, that had coffee even I could drink even though im usually not too fond of it.

Coffee shop

I don’t think the working culture differs too much between Finland and Austria. Not in my experience at least. One thing that was nice and different was Friday workdays ending at lunchtime which made the weekends feel so much longer. Otherwise I think the work ethic and such are pretty similar, but of course I’ve only worked in an architecture office in Austria so far.


Over all the trip has been even better than I could’ve hoped for and I know I will for sure be returning to see even more beautiful views and what my coworkers are up to.


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