Greetings from Wels, small city in Upper Austria!
Studying and living here has been absolutely one of my best decisions in my whole life. I learned so much about myself, other people and their cultures, made so many new friends and challenged myself by going out of my comfort zone.
Studying in FH Upper Austria differs from TAMK on so many levels, but still you can find many similarities. The courses are either held in “block” or in traditional way. Block course means that you have for example labs from Monday till Friday 8 hours per day and then your course is completed. I actually enjoyed this kind of a course form, because it allows you to focus on the lab way better than just once o week during the whole semester. Some professors here were not so good, but mainly I was satisfied with the quality of teaching.

During our free-time we travelled, went for hikes, partied and just enjoyed the views and life here. Wels is located perfectly to a person who wants to explore Austria. Train and bus connections are extremely good and cheap and the distances between places are not that bad. During my stay I went to for example Prague, small cities in Germany and all the biggest cities in Austria.

If you are thinking of going for exchange, do it. I only have two more weeks to go and I’m already missing Wels, Austria and my friends here.