Student life in Belgium

I have been studying in Belgium, Ghent about 4 months now, so I feel pretty familiar with all the different practicalities. I’m studying international business management in Artevelde University College and I’m living in a Upkot dormitory organized by my school. The distance between my dorm and school is about 3km so I go to school by bike. Ghent is a big bike city so it made sense to rent one.

The school system in Artevelde differs quite a lot compared to TAMK. The education is much more theoretical and focusing less on practicalities. During the lessons students are expected to make notes and raise their hand if they have something to say. Teachers don’t really like to be questioned or “challenged”. Studying from the book or from the lesson slides is the best way to succeed in exams. Also, most local students are aged between 19-20 since they start higher education immediately without gap years. This was quite a surprise to me. Even though the education is more theoretical we have had team works as well. Also here in Artevelde, we have had a lot of small tests before the final course exam.

I have traveled a lot during my spare time. Belgium is a relatively small country, so it is really easy and (usually) cheap to travel to other countries. Trains and buses are the most common modes of transportation. If i don’t have time to travel, I usually hang out with other exchange students. Ghent is a big student city, so there are a lot of students. Also, local Erasmus student organization has organized many different activities. My daily routines include going to the gym, studying and meeting friends. There are also days that I just have to focus on school works.

It only takes around 3 hours and 12-14e by bus to travel from Ghent to Paris!


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