Szia! Greetings from Budapest!


I’m doing a practical training in Budapest for three moths. First I did a clinical practise at the Semmelweis University hospital for 7 weeks and after that a community care practise for 4 weeks at another insitution, that is specialized on tax and customs services.

I was positively surprised how much responsibility they give to Erasmus students in the hospitals; for example we got to take blood samples, cannulate, catheterize, set and join infusions and take ECGs. The conditions in the hospitals in Budapest are a bit poor, the working hours are long and the work can be very challenging sometimes ’cause of the lack of equipments. Still the nurses and the doctors are taking good care of the patients and they’ve been very nice to all students also. They’ve always been very supporting and willing to answer our questions and show us interesting examinations. I think I’ve become more confident in many nursing tasks during my trainings here. Not so many workers or patients can speak English but they always try and so far we’ve always found a way to communicate.

Budapest is a very beautiful and big city with lots of old decorative buildings. There you can always find new interesting places. I’ve found some very nice restaurants, cafés and bars and lots of places where there’s live music even during the week. The spring here started early and already in the end of March there were some very hot days here so it’s nice to walk around the city and in the parks. Few of my favorite places to visit in Budapest are the Margitsziget (an island in the middle of Danube), the City Park and The Gellert Hill. In Buda there are lots of hills from where you can see almost the whole city. I live in Pest in the city centre where there are lots of nice streets full of nice shops, restaurants, cafés, bars and famous ruin pubs.



There are lots of nice other cities and villages in Hungary too, for example Pécs and Vács, where you can for nice one day visits by train or car. From Hungary it’s easy to travel to other European countries too and in March we spent a long weekend in Prague.

Hungarian people are very nice and they remind me a little of Finnish people. The language is similar to Finnish also. Budapest is definitely one of my favorite European cities and I can’t wait to come here again many times in the future.



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