Edge of Europe

Hello folks!

We have been on exchange program in Ireland, County Kerry and Tralee. Time has flown very fast and in a sense it is harmful leave from here, but in other hand it is nice to go back Finland and start summer work in familiar environment. Contradictory, or what you think?

One of the Ireland’s hundreds ruin castle.
The highest peak in Ireland, Carrauntoohil. And surprise! There is sheep on top of the mountain.

Ireland has given very good experiences to me and my wife. We’ve seen amazing places and met great people, locals and foreigners. Irish people are very nice, helpful and they have great sense of humour! Here is only one problem, accent. Kerry’s accent is sometimes crazy. They speak very fast and their lips don’t move, I don’t really understand how anybody can speak like that, but Kerry’s people can.. Too many times I had to rise my hands up and said: “I’m very sorry, I didn’t understand anything.”

But to return amazing places, Ireland has launched at 2014 great travel route called Wild Atlantic Way. It is unbelievable set of peninsulas, gulfs, cliffs, beaches, villages, castles, ruins and history of this great green island. Here is some pics from this 2 500km long way (no, I haven’t driven whole way. No time, no money.), because pictures tells more than thousand words.

Slea Head, County Kerry

I have placement in Kerry University Hospital. It is quite little hospital, but it is enough to me. I don’t need massive hospital complexes.

I have been a little bit surprised about hygiene here. I heard horror stories about large MRSA problems before I came here and I waited something terrible inoperative system. But luckily this system is good and it works! System is quite same than in Finland, but we have computers, Irish has papers.

The time in hospital has been very very good experience to me although I haven’t learn very much like new “tricks” to care patients. But I have learned lots of English, so I have reached my target. But process ends to satisfaction, so keep learning lads!

That’s it guys, Ireland has shown the best side of this beautiful country!

May the road rise to meet you and may the wind always be on your back! (Part of Irish blessing)

Flowers for the summer!




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