Greetings from Budapest!





Two months behind in this beautiful city of Budapest! Time has gone fast and my time here has been fantastic. I have met really nice people and learned a lot about different cultures. All of my friends are Erasmus students so my only local people experiences are from hospital which I have worked. I live in shared apartment with two other girls next to river Danube. Public transport here is so good that it has actually no matter which part of city you live. Here we use bus, metro, tram, train and trolleybus. And you can use all the public transports with one monthly pass which will cost about 10e. This is one thing I’m definitely going to miss in Finland!



Last week I finished my first nursing practice here in local hospital. It was seven week medical surgical practice. I got to explore Hungarian health care very close and I can tell you that it is little different than in Finland. Patients and nurses are not happy about the government situation, money limited and it will shows peoples well-being. But experience has been good so far. Our tutor nurse in hospital was amazing and other nurses were so friendly! Even if I didn’t learn that much as I would learn in Finland I’m still so happy for seeing lot of things. It makes me appreciate Finnish health care once again. This week I will start 4 weeks perioperative nursing practice in other hospital. I’m really exited for it!


Life in Budapest has been nice and I haven’t felt any big culture shocks. Daily things are going well and most of the people I have met spoke really good English. In Budapest I have seen lot of sights, been in good restaurants, explored Hungarian traditional foods, Erasmus parties, ruinpubs, museums, cruised to danube, started crossfitting, visit the zoo and not forgetting all fabulous spas! I have traveled to Italy, Slovenia and next month I will go to Croatia trip organized by university. There is so much things to do!


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